MCC in Glasgow is part of the Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches which was founded by Troy Perry, a young gay Pentecostal minister who was called to create a worshipping community where all God's children would be welcome.
UFMCC Vision and Mission statement
MCC is on a bold mission to transform hearts, lives and history.
We are a movement that faithfully proclaims God’s inclusive love
for all people and proudly bears witness to the holy integration of
spirituality and sexuality.
Just as Jesus did, we are called to:
Do Justice, show kindness and live humbly with our God.
Explore life’s questions with open hearts and minds.
Raise our voices in sacred defiance against religious (and political or systematic) exclusion.
Reach out to those with no hope,
Lift up new generations of remarkable, far-reaching spiritual activists.
As God’s liberated people we believed we are called to....
Reclaim our holy identity
We believe that God created us and loves us just as we are, and that created by a loving God, we are indeed holy. We want to lift up a new generation of spiritual activists called to a radical ministry proclaiming God’s love wherever that love has been buried by fear and hatred.
Social Action and Justice
We believe that Jesus led the way in acts of compassion and acts of justice. We stand boldly with those on the margins of our society, and those denied their full humanity throughout the world. We will raise our voices in sacred defiance against, religious, political or social exclusion.
Build and nurture our communities
We believe we are called to love and change the world. In order to spiritually prepare ourselves for ministry we must equip ourselves and each other. We want to co-create with God a supportive, loving community where life’s questions are explored with open hearts and minds.
“What does the Lord require of you
but to do justice,
and to love kindness,
and to walk humbly
with your God?”
Micah 6:8
MCC in Glasgow Mission Statement
MCC in Glasgow is proud to be a Christian church, shaped by the Spirit, embracing all who are seeking to know God.
Our Vision is be a church that reaches, serves and nurtures as we share God’s message of love.
Mission Statement
We are believers, seekers and questioners, who are open to challenging theologies, believing we are enriched by the different traditions and denominations that are woven through our faith community, and we actively seek to break down the boundaries of theology, tradition or expectation (sexuality, background, etc.).
We are striving to be a church which is enthusiastic about our faith and generous with the good news that God’s love is for all. We want to share the life-changing power of the Gospel in a practical way, to invite others to be part of the community of MCC in Glasgow, and to become an equipping and mobilising church that transforms our world for Jesus Christ.
We seek to be a church where difference is celebrated and injustice is challenged, especially religious based homophobia and transphobia. We are committed to supporting the marginalised and vulnerable in our society and maintaining healthy, ethical practices in our business and relationships.